Fearful of Being Replaced by Ai?
We Found Ai’s Kryptonite.
“Saving Soft Skills From Extinction” - TEDx Talk
As technology evolves, conversation has become a lost art. Poor soft skills are an epidemic. If we continue at this pace will soft skills eventually become extinct?
“Scott's insights and guidance on management are invaluable to any organization, regardless of its size.”
— Christie Hoffman, Engagement Academy
“Scott knows his stuff and his manner of presentation (style) easily wins over the audience. Highly recommended.”
— Marc LeVine, Thermo Systems
“Scott Asai was highly recommended as a speaker on the importance of soft communication skills.”
— Richard Hong, California Bank & Trust
Most Requested Talks
Closing the Leadership Gap in Tech
60% of leaders fail within the first 24 months. This is because there is an epidemic of tech leaders who are ill-equipped to meet the challenges of managing operations while concurrently leading teams. Making the transition from individual contributor to supervisor is the most difficult progression you’ll experience in your career. Warning: if you attempt to do this alone, it is a sure recipe for disaster.
During this talk, Scott will teach how to:
- Learn to balance your “wake” by managing systems and leading teams
- Keep your skills above water while technology continues to evolve
- Shift your mindset and skill set: from team player to tech leader
Soft Skills, Hard Results: Bringing Soft Skills to a Hard Skilled Industry
93% of employers term soft skills as “very important” or “essential.” 90% of what moves someone up the success ladder is emotional intelligence. 85% of workplace success comes from soft skills. So why isn’t there more of an emphasis on investment in soft skill training?
In this talk, Scott will demonstrate:
- How to be a collaborative and people-first company and avoid poor communication that results in 86% of workplace failures.
- Leveraging employee experience and engagement for an 85% increase in productivity*
- Retaining top talent by 12% with soft skills training
Soft Skills, AI’s Kryptonite
Are you afraid of being replaced by AI, robots and technology? It’s unfair for us to compete against something that is faster, more informed and reliable. In the future, humans will be passed over for more jobs in favor of machines. That’s a sobering thought, but reality. So in an era of automation, what exactly makes people irreplaceable at work?
Through this presentation, Scott will illustrate how to:
- Utilize empathy, EQ and critical thinking as the human differentiator
- Future proof your career forever
- Stay in charge of the systems of AI